Looking for a Boston Terrier Rescue Near Me?
CALIFORNIA - Boston Terrier Rescue California - Boston Terrier Rescue Los Angeles - Boston Terrier Rescue San Diego - Boston Terrier Rescue Southern California - Boston Terrier Rescue Northern California - Boston Terrier Puppies for Adoption
Because the Boston Terrier Breed is so beloved, it may be hard to find a Boston Terrier Rescue in California. Boston terrier puppies for adoption are usually scooped up really quickly. But to rescue a Boston who is unloved and uncared for is a very wonderful thing! We often get asked about where to find Boston Terrier puppies for adoption. If you have been looking for a Boston Terrier rescue organization, for puppies or adults to adopt, I am including some resources for you here.
There is a Boston Terrier rescue in Los Angeles County, and two Boston Terrier rescues in Northern California. Not only do they occasionally have Boston terrier puppies for adoption as well as adults, but they also take donations to help them with the continuous care needed for some of the Dogs with medical issues. Please consider donating to these organizations.
*Note* We are not affiliated with any of these Boston Terrier Rescue Organizations, we just post them as a service to the Boston Terrier Community. Please visit their individual websites for more info.
Boston Buddies is a Boston Terrier rescue Los Angeles county – (Huntington Beach in Southern California). They provide care for Boston Terriers through the use of foster homes. They also provide excellent care for Boston Terriers with medical issues. You can find their website HERE.

Wannabe Run Boston Terrier Rescue Northern California is located in Durham, CA. More info can be found HERE.
Wonder Dog Rescue is located in Penngrove, CA which is in Northern California. They provide medical care and adoption services for Boston Terriers. Visit their website HERE.

ARIZONA - Boston Terrier Rescue AZ - Boston Terrier Rescue Arizona
For a Boston Terrier Rescue AZ, you can imagine how hard life could be in the Arizona summers for an overheated Boston? The below organization provides rescue and medical care for neglected and abandoned Boston Terriers. They then help adopt a Boston Terrier out to a good home. Please consider donating to such a worthy cause. Also keep in mind that shelters may have Bostons from time to time, so keeping a close watch on petfinder.com can help you find one locally. You can even set up a notification when a dog of your preference is put on the website.
Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue formerly Valley of the Sun Boston Terrier Rescue, is a rescue organization located in Scottsdale, AZ. They provide recue through the use of Foster Homes. You can find their website HERE.

Puppies and Adult dogs can heal hearts and change lives. So whether you get a dog from us or from rescue, we are so excited for you to get your new family member. We do not support breeding from Puppy Mills, so buying from a Pet Store is a really bad idea unless they are being supplied by an actual rescue. Please do extensive research on any pet purchased at a pet store before purchasing. Puppy Mills raise puppies in horrible conditions and the Adult dogs are disgustingly neglected and mistreated as well. Let’s vow to never support these types of breeders!
A good portion of the Boston Terriers in rescue have medical issues. We can donate to their care to help those in the community that are in need. What are these health issues that Bostons are prone to, and what are Responsible Breeders doing to prevent these issues? Go to Boston Terrier Health for more info.